Impact (miniseries)

Impact is a miniseries about a meteor shower which eventually sends the moon on a collision course with Earth. The twopart Episodes were called Nights miniseries premiered Februaryand 15, 2009 on the Canadian premium television channel Super Channel and was also shown on ABC on Juneand 28, 2009 and on Alpha TV on September 2011 .

On the Moon, the electromagnetic machine is assembled. Roland and the astronaut, Courtney, travel in a rover to locate a fissure in the lunar surface. The rover crashes deep inside the fissure and Courtney falls to her death. Roland is unharmed but trapped inside the fissure and unable to rejoin the spacecraft. He demands that the cosmonaut, Sergei, launch the module so that he and Alex can be saved. The device is activated, causing a large explosion on the Moon, which kills Roland. The Moon splits in two as the brown dwarf fragment flies into the Sun. The orbit of the lunar debris is stable. Sergei and Alex make radio contact, revealing that they escaped the Moon before the explosion. Back on Earth, Alex is reunited with his children and with Maddie.The Impact miniseries received little comment from the scientific community due to its lack of realism, incorrect use of terminology, and basic misunderstanding of the law of gravity. ........

Source: Wikipedia